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REPLY: (by Azera) Oct 14 2016 5:08pm
Azera here, my computer was stolen some time ago but i try to check in as often as I can. Life has been a little on the go to play as often as I once did. I miss everyone on Pinto and horseisle in general. Love ya!
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Oct 14 2016 9:49pm
*waves* Glad to know you are ok! :)

I hear you with the busy life... *laughing out loud!*
REPLY: (by Piper) Oct 31 2016 6:26pm
I miss you too Azera! I know how busy life can get. Mine's been the same way lately. I wish you guys and gals coulda seen a picture of me today. I was dressed up as a lady from the Renaissance times. My dress was purple with green and gold on it, and touched the floor. We could dress so today at work as long as there were no masks. Work takes priority here with me so that's why I'm not on much.
Hope to be on more often soon.
REPLY: (by Piper) Oct 31 2016 7:13pm
I miss you too Azera! I know how busy life can get. Mine's been the same way lately. I wish you guys and gals coulda seen a picture of me today. I was dressed up as a lady from the Renaissance times. My dress was purple with green and gold on it, and touched the floor. We could dress so today at work as long as there were no masks. Work takes priority here with me so that's why I'm not on much.
Hope to be on more often soon.
REPLY: (by Bazjack) Dec 9 2016 9:13pm
I'm still here also. My dad died and I've had a very hard time. Crying and sleeping has taken most of my spare time. I will try to be back soon!
REPLY: (by Piper) Dec 10 2016 3:49pm
Sorry to hear that Bazjack. *Hugs* Just know that I am here for you and you can talk to me when you want. I know what's it's like to lose a dad. Both of my parents have been gone since '04 and '08. Dad was first. I'm on pinto if you need to find me.

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