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VIEWING MOD FORUM THREAD: Marriage between players?
REPLY: (by Alyeska) Nov 25 2011 8:05am
I know I've seen posted somewhere that marriage between players is not allowed. Horses ok, but not players. So I'm asking if someone who does remember where it's posted?
I don't want to report this player for no reason. But they need to be aware if this is not allowed.
Thanks. Aley Cremello
REPLY: (by Elanor) Nov 25 2011 8:57am
It basically falls under the no dating rule, Aley.
REPLY: (by Azkadellia) Nov 25 2011 9:02am
If players are married in real life, I believe they are allowed to simply state "Im married to (Playername)". But other than that no more details. But if they aren't really married then they can't say it, its the no dating rule Elanor mentioned.
REPLY: (by ThisMagicMoment) Nov 25 2011 10:03am
Aley, Here is a response I got from the lovely DP a long time ago when I asked about players owning others, as well as marriages.

"It can be pretty freaky if a young player just logs onto a family non-violent, no dating game to see players marrying others, eating/licking others, buying/selling others. Not good. For this reason, “marriages” between players are not allowed."
REPLY: (by ThisMagicMoment) Nov 25 2011 10:04am
Here's the whole shaboodle - Just sent the part about marrying. But here was everything, in case it answers any future questions :o)

"Owning a player is considered slavery. Slavery is out totally in any and all forms. No buying, selling, owning others. It can be pretty freaky if a young player just logs onto a family non-violent, no dating game to see players marrying others, eating/licking others, buying/selling others."
REPLY: (by Alyeska) Nov 25 2011 11:53am
Hmm ok thanks everyone. So I should report next time it's mentioned? It's actually a bud. -frowns- Just want to right in how I handle it next time it comes up. ^_^
REPLY: (by Elanor) Nov 25 2011 11:55am
Yea some of my buds used to do that, I told them it wasn't allowed and they kicked up a fuss. :D But yea if you don't feel you can mention it you can just report.
REPLY: (by Azkadellia) Nov 25 2011 2:02pm
There's another thread called something like: "What is and isnt allowed in profiles" down the list in Mod Forum where it was explained before.

REPLY: (by FrogLips) Oct 24 2011 9:46am
On the game relationships/families etc we were told were not allowed.
In real life instances regarding spouses they may say so n so (player names only) is my real life hubby/wife.. I would assume same would go for bf/gf as long as they don't get into details about their relationship.

REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Oct 24 2011 10:20am
Yep, what Froggy said. :)
REPLY: (by Alyeska) Nov 26 2011 6:49pm
Ok thanks everyone.
I've personally PMd the ones doing it and asked them to stop.
Some have, one is being stubborn, so will report the next time they do........

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