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REPLY: (by JerseyHotblood) May 20 2011 9:25am
Ok, I have a bit of a complaint or maybe a suggestion. Does anuyone know if they are thinking of adding a "Rest all" option to the barns?? Gets so tedious when you have 60 or 70 plus horses to rest, *laughing out loud!*

I am not up on all the programming requirments..so would that require a bung of programming? Just a suggestion, *laughing out loud!* Any comments or opinions would be Great :)

Thanks guys.

Also, the Hubby and I are going back out to the Lancaster area again this weekend. Just taking the little guy this time...the older kids have chosen to stay with Grandma because we arent doing "fun" things. We are going to sight see and POSSIBLY talk to a realestate agent *wink wink* Nothing set in stone...just looking to see whats out there. Hubby and I LOVE PA. So, wish us luck. We are also going to visit My pony that I had to find a home for...so REALLY looking forward to the weekend :)

Ok, so I went a bit crazy in this post...*laughing out loud!* Just very excited about my weekend :) Cant wait to see My pony ( miss him terribly but his new mommy is absolutely amazing with him..he could NOT have a better home) and also can not wait to spend a very relaxing weekend with hubby and our youngest :) So, I wont be around here much this weekend either :( But I WILL be trying ot check in once a day. so...if anyone really needs me...just send me some mail on Dun :)

Thanks for listening/reading and I hope all my fellow mods have a FANTASTIC weekend. Hugs to you all :)

REPLY: (by DesertPaint) May 20 2011 10:36am
I don't know. I don't think, Joe is planning to do that as I think... it would go into major coding and reworking the games programing.

I would sure love to have that, but probably not something he want's to get into.

Have fun Jersey! And good luck! :)
REPLY: (by BoneGirl) May 21 2011 2:42am
Hope it all goes well and have a fantastic time!!!

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