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Forums for discussing in game topics with other players. Please use the Contact Us form at the bottom to directly communicate with Horse Isle staff.
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VIEWING MOD FORUM THREAD: Tips to help players = answers to some questions
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Mar 12 2011 11:30am
Most of you probably already know this, but I thought I would post it anyway. *laughing out loud!* :)

Q: How do I change my name?
A: Email support from the email you used when you singed up to the game. (We can help if you forgot it.) Give us 3 or 4 names to choose from. Link at the bottom of the games web page.

Q: I have the wrong gender, how do I change it?
A: Email support from the email you used when you signed up to the game and ask for a gender change, Miranda can do that. Link at the bottom of the games web page.

Q: My sub didn't go though what do I do?
A: If you used PayPal credit card or account please contact support (again from the email used to create the account) and tell us when you did this. Please include copy of PayPal receipt. If you used e-Check it takes 3 to 10 days occasionally a bit longer, so if it's been that long, then please contact support. If it's check, money order or cash, that can take 5 to 14 days, so please be patient. If it's been that long or longer, please contact support, include username, and player ID, and amount sent and when it was mailed.

Q: I was scammed, what do I do?
A: Please file an abuse report on the player. If it did not happen today, please give the approximate date, makes it easier.

Q: PlayerA was mean to me, and stole ___what do I do?
A: Please file an abuse report on the player.

Q: I was hacked what do I do?
A: You can file an abuse report if you think you might know who did it, please give that players name in the report, otherwise you can file it on yourself. Hacking is a serious allegation, so please be sure you were indeed hacked, and not that you logged onto the wrong server, or forgot you sold something.

Q: I got violations what are they? What are they for?
A: You may contact support from the email you used when you signed up to the game and request an explanation for violation points.

Any time a player contact support they need to give their username, and if possible email us from the email they used when they signed up to the game. If they can't remember that email, then we will help them. We need to be sure that we are indeed speaking to the account owner for privacy security reasons.

Any other questions you get and aren't sure what to do with? *laughing out loud!*
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Mar 12 2011 4:53pm
Q: Can I create another account on another server?
A: Yes you may play on any or all servers as long as you use the same username/account. If you create another name/account then you have multiple accounts which is against the rules.


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